Euganean Hills are located in the Veneto region of northern Italy, a few kilometers south of Padua. They take their name from the Euganei, a semi-mythical population who inhabited the area before the Veneti. The Euganei Hills are of volcanic origin.
Diana's Pavillion. It begins at Diana's pavillion, originally a stately entrance as well as a landing place for boats coming across the so-called "Valle di Saint Eusebio", (whence the name "Val San Zibio"). In those days the "Valle" was an expanse of shallow waters extended over several miles; a fishing and shooting paradise recently transformed into a golf course
Valsanzibio ranges among the most important and unspoiled baroque gardens in the world. It was achieved in 1669 by the Venetian nobleman Zuane Francesco Barbarigo. His son Gregorio, a Cardinal and future Saint, inspired the symbolic meaning of the plan drawn by Luigi Bernini, top Vatican architect and fountain expert. The Garden of Valsanzibio has preserved all its original features unaltered thanks the unceasing and careful attention received first of all by six successive generations of Barbarigo since its very creation in 1669
Villa Barbarigo
A view of the Main Alee. The Main Allee with imposing box-wood walls reaches and climbs the hill in front
All this was planned as an allegory of man's progress towards his own perfectibility or salvation and such itinerary ends right in front of the Villa.
The Water Theater with fish ponds and fountains. Sixty full size statues, mainly due to Enrico Merengo, and sixty more different sculptures were integrated into a world of architectures, streams, fountains, water jokes and fish ponds, between hundreds of different trees and over an area of forty acres.
An ancient tree
Open to visitors from 10 to 13 hrs and from 14 hrs to sunseet, every day (Saturday, Sunday and Holidays included) from March 03 to November 30 2008 included. Shop open every afternoon, Monday and Tuesday excluded. Tickets: normal € 8,50; boys aged 6 to 14 € 5,50; students = € 5,50 (comprised guide, only for schools) obligatory reservation. To reach Valsanzibio please see the map. Phone 0039/49/8059224. Fax 0039/49/8059224
Cerca la verità dappertutto e con tutti i mezzi, diventando ciò che sei, sviluppando le tue autentiche potenzialità; condividi queste tue verità perchè la felicità è vera solo quando è condivisa; parti in esplorazione oltre lo stagno di rane, "apportando un radicale cambiamento al tuo stile di vita, cominciando con coraggio a fare cose che mai avresti pensato di fare o che mai hai osato. C'è tanta gente infelice che tuttavia non prende l'iniziativa di cambiare la propria situazione perchè è condizionata dalla sicurezza, dal conformismo, dal tradizionalismo, tutte cose che sembrano assicurare la pace dello spirito, ma in realtà per l'animo avventuroso di un uomo non esiste nulla di più devastante di un futuro certo. Il vero nucleo dello spirito vitale di una persona è la passione per l'avventura. La gioia di vivere deriva dall'incontro con nuove esperienze, e quindi non esiste gioia più grande dell'avere un orizzonte in continuo cambiamento, del trovarsi ogni giorno sotto un sole nuovo e diverso."
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